Sale and delivery conditions
These sale and delivery terms and conditions are valid for the sale of goods (products) from the JONAS VINDUER online store.
The terms are being updated regularly.
Along with the terms of sale and delivery, Buyer’s order represents the total contractual basis for the purchase. Where these terms of sale and delivery make demands for written form, this is fulfilled by using e-mail. JONAS VINDUER the online store cannot enter into agreements with teenagers without the approval of the parents/guardian. Binding purchase agreement can only be concluded with persons over 18 years of age.
Org. nr. 814 738 922 MVA /// 302980912
Hans og Grete stien 14, /// A.Kaniūkų str. 25,
4314 Sandnes, Norway /// 47297 Kaunas, Lithuania
Email.: [email protected]
MOB: +37061818619
NO: +47 529 728 01
SWE: +46 152 745 811
IMPORTANT: The order is binding. After Buyer has ordered the goods, Buyer will receive information that can be printed: description of the goods Buyer has ordered in Norwegian currency including VAT, and total amount payable, specifying possible shipping costs and fees. All ordered items are manufactured specifically to Buyer’s desired measurements. Therefore, there is no possibility to cancel the order/goods.
The Buyer will receive an invoice on his/her email that was indicated in online store. Only bank payment is valid. Payment must be made:
* in NOK currency and Norwegian account if order is made in Norway;
* in SEK currency and Lithuanian account if order is made in Sweden;
* in DKK currency and Lithuanian account if order is made in Denmark;
* in EUR currency and Lithuanian account if order is made in Finland, Lithuania or other countries.
The invoice will be sent by email immediately if the Buyer chooses free delivery. If the Buyer chooses direct delivery to his/her address, the invoice will be sent by email after Seller agrees with Buyer on shipping cost by direct delivery to the Buyer's address.
IMPORTANT: only after the invoice is paid and confirmed, the ordered goods will be set into production. If the Buyer does not pay the invoice, the ordered items will not be produced.
Order confirmation
Before order is confirmed, first Seller agrees with Buyer on delivery and shipping cost. Once JONAS VINDUER has approved Buyer’s order, a personal message will be sent by e-mail with all information about received payment and other important details. Seller takes a contact with Buyer by the e-mail address that has been provided in connection with the order.
Prices and shipping costs
All prices are given:
* in NOK currency incl. VAT, if order country is Norway;
* in SEK currency incl. VAT, if order country is Sweden;
* in DKK currency incl. VAT, if order country is Denmark;
* in EUR currency incl. VAT, if order country is Finland, Lithuanian or other.
but excl. shipping costs by direct delivery to Buyer’s home address, except if Buyer choose free delivery location from the list. JONAS VINDUER may change prices on online store at any time and without notice. The buyer will pay the price applicable at the time of booking. Shipping costs depend on where the Buyer lives and for how much were the products purchased. Buyer can always choose free delivery from the list that JONAS VINDUER offers. The free delivery list can be changed at any time without notice.
The Buyer can choose free delivery (see the list of free delivery places in JONAS VINDUER online store) or direct delivery to the Buyer's address with extra shipping cost and it is calculated personally for each buyer.
Important to know
Measurements are given in width x height. It is always given external measurements of products, not niches of the house.
JONAS VINDUER regularly performs product development.
JONAS VINDUER reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to change design, detail construction, material choices due to development of new technologies.
Items ordered at different times are therefore not necessarily manufactured in the same way and therefore not always identical.
Assembling. There are several different ways Buyer can assemble the items purchased at JONAS VINDUER. JONAS VINDUER always recommends that the goods would be assembled by a skilled person who knows how to assemble. The correct mounting/assembling depends mainly on the Buyer's object and product type. You can always find an attached general assembly guide of the products.
Shipping and damage
Purchased goods are shipped to the agreed delivery address. The Buyer is responsible for the truck to be able to drive to the specified delivery place.
The Buyer must be present when the goods are delivered.
If the Buyer is not present when a small quantity of the goods is delivered, the Buyer agrees that the goods are delivered in the absence of the Buyer. However, when a large quantity of goods is delivered, Buyer must be present and assist the driver to unload them. Regardless of whether the Buyer is present at the time of delivery, delivery is done when the goods are unloaded at agreed delivery address or as close as possible.
Waiting time, unnecessary extension of unloading time or in vain delivery attempts to which the Buyer is responsible for, will the Buyer be charged with an invoice. The buyer must check that there are no damage / defects on the packages and check the correct quantity before it is signed for receipt.
If there is package damage or it does not match the number of products to what was ordered, this should be noted with pictures and comments, and sent by email to JONAS VINDUER.
IMPORTANT: Signed receipt for delivered damaged goods means that the right to claim of damaged package or wrong quantity of products is lost.
If the customer is not present when the item is delivered, delivery is considered to be completed as with signed receipt for shipping damages and eventually for any missing quantity.
The delivery is made by agreement between the Buyer and Seller JONAS VINDUER.
Delivery time is always provided as an approximate, because the goods are manufactured according to individual measurements for each buyer.
Right of withdrawal
Returns do not apply to JONAS WINDOWS items because all goods are manufactured according to the Buyer’s specifications.
All items ordered with special measurements (non-standard) at JONAS VINDUER are manufactured specifically to the Buyer’s individual needs and according to the Buyer’s specific measurements.
Therefore, when Buyer purchases goods at JONAS VINDUER, Buyer accepts that the right of withdrawal is invalid. Because production is initiated after payment has been transferred, the Buyer actually has no right of withdrawal.
If there are visible damages and / or deficiencies in our products, the complaint must be sent in written form and with image documentation by e-mail to [email protected]
Complaints must be made within 14 days of delivery. If there is a defect on the item, the Buyer can claim a maximum amount equivalent to the value of the purchased item or Buyer can always ask for damaged product’s reproduction.
Products processed or assembled after receipt are considered as approved and accepted by the Buyer. The right of withdrawal does not include assistance for adjusting hinges, frames, punches and small scratches on the profile.
Complaints and warranty are invalid if:
The goods are not stored dry and safe.
Assembling is not made correctly.
Compensation and product liability
The Buyer cannot claim compensation that exceeds the value of the purchased item.
JONAS VINDUER accepts no responsibility for damage caused by the sold goods on people, things or property after the Buyer has received the goods.
JONAS VINDUER is not responsible for operating losses, lost profits or other financial consequences.
It's 10 years warranty on:
PVC window’s profile if cracking or colour change occurs (product warranty is invalid if this has occurred due to incorrect maintenance or use of chemicals that would affect the window profile).
It is 5 years warranty on:
System for fittings (if it is worn out or broken, Buyer can always buy or expect delivered a new part. Warranty is only valid if the items were properly assembled and were properly maintained and adjusted).
Glass packages due to decompression (when condensation occurs in the glass package where Argon gas is).
Glass packages due to cracks (according to the fact that cracks do not always occur due to defects made in the factory. The cracks may occur due to improper assembly of products, thermo shock and high-pressure difference. The images would help to determine why the issue has occurred).
For warranty cases to be processed, please, first provide the following information: when the goods were ordered, who ordered them and a detailed description / statement about the issue and detailed pictures in high quality.
Changes of terms and conditions
JONAS VINDUER reserves the right to change current terms and conditions, including changes in legislation.
Data protection policy
The personal information that Buyer gives us in connection with the order (name, address, e-mail address and telephone number) is used to complete the order and is not passed on to others. All servers used for storing personal information when ordering is located securely at JONAS VINDUER or at JONAS VINDUER IT Partner. The Buyer can take a contact with JONAS VINDUER and always find out what information we have registered, and the Buyer may also require the information to be deleted when the purchase and delivery has been completed.
Still have questions about our terms of sale and delivery? Contact us at [email protected] and we will help you as soon as possible!